Art Direction: Manuel Fabian
Animation Direction: Yoana Barciela
2D/3D Animation: Abel Alvarez, Eduardo Morffi, Daniel Lares, Steven Rodriguez, Valeria Galvan
Video Editing: Miami HEAT Digital Content, Video Production team
For the 2024 Playoffs, The Miami HEAT wanted to create an immersive and electrifying atmosphere inside the Kaseya Center, where the air crackles with anticipation and the energy is palpable. As fans took their seat, the animations unraveled before before them, bathed in the glow of the arena lights. The rhythmic bounce of the lights, fire and LED animations takes over the stadium, signaling the start of an epic showdown.
I was fortunate to be part of this project that blended excitement with challenge, surrounded by a team of exceptionally talented individuals. Each day brought new opportunities for creativity and growth as we collaborated, pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible. Together, we navigated obstacles with resilience, turning them into stepping stones toward success, creating not only outstanding results but also lasting bonds forged through shared dedication and passion.
My main role was creating 3D Assets and animations that would be used in the final piece. 

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